Sunday, January 09, 2005

Driving range ball boy

Range ball boy
Originally uploaded by Greg Clark.
I am an avid golfer. I will play and practice every chance that I get. In the Philippines as in most Far East countries golf is considered a rich mans sport. As such every amenity is afforded to the player. This includes the driving range. At the range you arrive and a range boy comes over and gets your clubs. You choose your practice stall and then he will go and get the balls for you. In the US on the range you go get your own balls and place the bucket next to you and tee them up yourself. In the Philippines the range boy sits inside of your stall and tees the ball up for you. When I first encountered this he made me nervous the first couple of swings, because I kept thinking I was going to hit him. After a while you get used to his presence and continue on with your practice. Most practice facilities have clay as the base of the stall instead of a mat. This makes it difficult to work on shots that you are trying to shape or check your divot for as it pertains to your line up.

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