Monday, February 07, 2005

Up and down the river...

Heading home
Originally uploaded by Greg Clark.
Going up the river was easy at first, as boats all were lashed together with rope and pulled by another motorized canoe. Once we reached the rapids it became hard on the boatmen, as they were our only source of. Put they took it in stride, as this is what they had been doing all of their life. When we reached the first rapid it became evident that this river was special. The river is in the middle of deep cliffs on both sides that stretch almost half mile up, covered in vines as if we were in a jungle. Later I found out that this river was famous. It had been featured in the movies, Apocalypse Now, and a couple of the Chuck Norris movies Missing in Action. At each of the 13 rapids the oars men would drag the boat the across the rocks to get us up river. Twice during the trip up stream we had to exit the boat as they couldn’t lift my boat mate and myself without damaging the boat. Which was hard to do as the back of the boat was splitting anyway. During the whole trip we were taking on water. The oarsmen were constantly bailing out the boat.

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